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Lithuanian representative to Taiwan tours I-Mei Foods' Taoyuan facility

Paulius Lukauskas received a special tour of I-Mei's Longtan food production plant and biomedical research center

Paulius Lukauskus, third from right, poses with I-Mei employees at the company's Longtan factory, Dec. 21.  

Paulius Lukauskus, third from right, poses with I-Mei employees at the company's Longtan factory, Dec. 21.   (Taiwan News photo)

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — A delegation from the Lithuanian Trade Representative Office headed by the counrty’s representative to Taiwan, Paulius Lukauskas, made a visit to I-Mei’s production facility in Taoyuan’s Longtan on Thursday (Dec. 21).

Lukauskas took a guided tour of the food preparation and packaging plant as well as I-Mei’s biomedical research center, which is also at the facility in Longtan. Accompanied by the factory supervisor, the pair discussed I-Mei’s energy-efficient food production methods, as well as issues related to material sourcing and supply chain development.

I-Mei’s Longtan facility boasts numerous carbon-cutting and energy-saving technologies that ensure an eco-friendly production process. One notable feature of the facility is the world’s largest freeze-drying and vacuum packaging system, which has a conveyer belt that stretches 45 meters with a width of 2.5 meters.

Members of the Lithuanian delegation were also reportedly impressed by the facility’s large-scale, low-energy refrigeration system and the use of drones to assess the factory’s inventory.

Lukaukus said that he greatly appreciates I-Mei’s commitment to providing quality products. He said he admires the company’s use of cutting-edge technology and its effective business model.

The Lithuanian representative said that he hopes Lithuania can continue to build strong relations with I-Mei and Taiwan moving forward. Following the tour, the Lithuanian delegation shared traditional Lithuanian mead with I-Mei employees, who in turn provided the company’s famous I-Mei puffs for the guests to enjoy.

Prior to visiting the I-Mei factory, Lukauskas was in Kaohsiung where he met with Mayor Chen Chi-mai (陳其邁) to discuss cooperative opportunities in the fields of information security and fintech between Taiwan and Lithuania.

* I-Mei Foods is the parent company of Taiwan News.

立陶宛貿易處代表參觀義美龍潭廠區 自帶蜂蜜酒搭配義美小泡芙
Paulius Lukauskus and others pose with I-Mei food products, Dec. 21. (Taiwan News photo)